2016 Article Archive

Heart health: Arm yourself with two BP readings – one from each arm


If you take your blood pressure at home, get a reading on one arm and then get a reading on the other.

Heart health: Reduce sitting time to improve heart health


New research by UT Southwestern heart specialists shows that sedentary behavior such as sitting for long periods of time at a desk or on the couch is associated with increased amounts of calcium in the arteries.

Heart health: 5 tips for taking your blood pressure at home


People who take blood pressure medicines can monitor their blood pressure at home to help compensate for what’s known as “white coat” effect –a spike in readings while visiting the doctor’s office, a UT Southwestern cardiologist advises.

Medical students honored by White House for hepatitis awareness efforts


A project by UTSW students is being recognized at a White House ceremony today for their outstanding commitment to increasing hepatitis awareness as part of the annual National Hepatitis Testing Day observance.

AOA honor society inducts 40


Forty UT Southwestern Medical School students were recently inducted into The Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society.

Surprising mechanism of acid reflux damage identified by UT Southwestern/Dallas VA researchers


The “acid” in “acid reflux” may not be the direct cause of damage to the esophagus as previously suspected, according to researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center and Dallas VA Medical Center.

2016 Passano Award recognizes groundbreaking cholesterol research by geneticists Hobbs, Cohen


Dr. Jonathan Cohen and Dr. Helen Hobbs have been awarded one of the nation’s highest honors in biomedical science for developing and applying transformative genetics techniques to the understanding of lipid metabolism related to heart disease.

When stroke strikes at age 27


Kellie Whitton was eating a late-night dinner with her sister Emily at a Fort Worth sushi restaurant when her right arm suddenly went numb.

New $17 million cryo-electron microscope center provides extraordinary views of life at atomic scale


At one of the country’s leading academic medical centers, it just became a lot easier to take a closer look.

SWAT’s Education Week delivers messaging tips, campus events


At the Sixth Annual Southwestern Academy of Teachers (SWAT) Educational Symposium, Dr. Evonne Kaplan-Liss said educators need to understand that learning to “distill your message” can make a critical difference in reaching an audience.