Defining the roles of endocytic accessory proteins in CME | Schmid Lab | UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas

Defining the roles of endocytic accessory proteins in CME

ISMRM 2019 | Park Lab | UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas

All the seven scientific abstracts that we submitted were peer-reviewed and accepted for the ISMRM 2019 annual meeting.

Southwestern Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences

Statistical Genomics & Genetics A postdoctoral fellow position in statistical genetics and genomics is now available in the laboratories of Dr. Ralph DeBerardinis at Children’s Research Institute at UT Southwestern Medical Center and Dr.

Southwestern Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences

Statistical Genomics & Genetics A postdoctoral fellow position in statistical genetics and genomics is now available in the laboratories of Dr. Ralph DeBerardinis at Children’s Research Institute at UT Southwestern Medical Center and Dr.

Research | UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas

Our lab uses a combination of electrophysiological and molecular techniques to examine functions sub-served by these states at the cellular and circuit levels.

ISMRM 2020 | Park Lab | UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas

All the nine scientific abstracts that we submitted were peer-reviewed and accepted for the ISMRM 2020 annual meeting

Research | Greene Lab | UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas

Our lab uses a combination of electrophysiological and molecular techniques to examine functions sub-served by these states at the cellular and circuit levels.

Elucidating the structure of biomolecular condensates using cryo-ET | Rosen Lab | UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas

Elucidating the structure of biomolecular condensates using cryo-ET

Components and Mechanics of High-Torque Flagellar Rotary Motors | Hendrixson Lab | UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas

Read about Formation and Function of High-Torque Flagellar Rotary Motors

ISMRM 2019 | UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas

All the seven scientific abstracts that we submitted were peer-reviewed and accepted for the ISMRM 2019 annual meeting.