Senate Bill 212 FAQ's

What is Senate Bill 212? 
Who is required to make a report? 
What do I report? 
A Responsible Employee reported to the Division of Title IX that I am the Complainant in a Title IX related incident. Am I obligated to participate in a Title IX investigation? 
I am not sure if the information shared with me is considered to be stalking, sexual harassment, sexual assault or dating violence. What should I do? 
What if the person who shared information with me requests confidentiality? 
Where do Responsible Employees report sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating violence, or stalking incidents committed by or against a student or employee under SB 212? 
Does SB 212 require a student to report incidents of sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating violence, or stalking committed by or against a student or employee? 
What are the penalties of non-compliance of SB 212? 
I am a faculty member. Am I required to report something that gets disclosed in one of my classes? 
Are there any protections for an employee who makes a report as required by this new law?