Other Services

The Metabolomics Core within the Biochemistry Department offers the following other services:

  1. Small molecule analysis for exact mass determination (LC-MS analysis) (TripleTOF® 6600 System, Sciex): We offer exact mass measurement (<5-10 ppm mass accuracy), data processing and generation of a report.
  2. Absolute quantitation (LC-MS/MS analysis) (Triple Quad 6500, Sciex): The core focuses on targeting a specific metabolite or group of metabolites for quantitation using heavy-isotope labeled internal standards.
  3. Method Development: We develop new assays per user requests.
  4. Statistical Analysis: Included in our services is normalization of data, principal component analysis (PCA), partial least squares-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA), potential biomarker discovery, fold-change analysis, pathway analysis, heat maps, whisker plots, ROC curve analysis, t-test and volcano plot based on user request.
  5. Consultation for sample preparation.