Medical Hardship Leave Pool

Your Time Away includes a Medical Hardship Leave Pool. The new employee-funded pool will replace both the Catastrophic Sick Leave and Family Leave pools. The Medical Hardship Leave Pool is a way for employees to give back to the UTSW community and help their colleagues. Employees will be able to donate to the pool without any tax implications.
What are the significant changes?
- Grants of up to 160 hours may be approved for the Medical Hardship Leave Pool.
- This pool replaces both the Family Leave and Catastrophic Sick Leave pools.
- The pool is established and maintained through voluntary PTO and prior vacation leave bank contributions from employees, with no tax implications to the individual donating.
- Employees may apply for medical hardship leave time for themselves or to care for a parent, spouse, or child.
- The pool consists of paid time off (PTO) and prior state vacation leave accruals (vacation bank) that employees voluntarily contribute. Employees may not contribute prior state sick leave accruals (sick bank), transferred sick time, or donated leave received to the pool.
- Leave contributed to the pool may not be designated for use by a particular person or group or returned to the employee who contributed the leave.
- The Leave Administration Division of the Office of Human Resources will consider requests for use of the Medical Hardship Leave from the pool in the order in which it receives them (first come, first served).
- The amount of leave an eligible employee may withdraw from the pool will depend on the amount of leave available in the pool, the employee’s application, and the number of pending applications.