Frequently Asked Questions


What is "Your Time Away?"
"Your Time Away" is the name we are using to communicate the new time-off components covered in the Comprehensive Leave Program.
What authorizes UT Southwestern to create its own comprehensive leave policy?
The Texas Education Code allows the governing board of a university system to create a comprehensive leave policy that meets the needs of their institution and employees.
Can employees opt out of Your Time Away?
What happens to my unused balance of previously accrued sick hours?
Sick leave hours previously accrued but not used by employees as of Sept. 1, 2024, will be deposited into a new Prior Sick Leave Bank. Employees will be able to use their Prior Sick Leave Bank after the exhaustion of their PTO. The hours in your Prior Sick Leave Bank will never expire.
What happens to my unused balance of previously accrued vacation hours?
Vacation leave hours previously accrued but not used by employees as of Sept. 1, 2024, will be deposited into a new Prior Vacation Leave Bank. Employees will be able to use their Prior Vacation Leave Bank once they exhaust their PTO. These hours will also be eligible for payment at separation from UTSW, up to the current maximum cap. The hours in your Prior Vacation Leave Bank will never expire.
Will employees have access to other types of leave that existed prior to Your Time Away?
Yes. Many leave options (e.g., State Parental Leave, Emergency Leave, Military Leave, voting leave) will remain available in Your Time Away.
Will employees still receive longevity pay?
Yes. There is no change to longevity pay.
Does the transition to Your Time Away affect employees’ mandatory retirement savings plans?
How does Your Time Away affect employees who transfer from one Texas state agency to another with no break in service?
UTSW will not accept sick, vacation, or holiday balances for employees transferring from other state agencies. (Those balances will be paid out by the state agency the employee is leaving in accordance with that agency’s policies and state law.)
What happens to Prior Sick Leave Bank balances if an employee separates and is then rehired by UTSW?
An employee who separates from UTSW employment will have their Prior Sick Leave Bank balances restored if they are reemployed by UTSW within 90 days immediately following the date of separation from UTSW employment.
Paid Time Off (PTO)

How does PTO differ from the state leave program?
The state leave program divides paid employee time away from work into specific vacation and sick leave accruals. Employees earn a specific number of hours for each category, and sick leave can only be taken for specific purposes.
A PTO program does not divide leave into categories. It uses a single pool of time off to give employees more control over how they spend their paid time away from work – whether it is for vacation, an illness, a field trip with a child, or any other personal reason.
When I compare the new PTO accrual for my years of service to my current vacation and sick time accruals added together, I am accruing less.
Our current leave program (that will conclude at the end of August) divides your earned time off between vacation (flexible use for personal time, leisure, etc.) and sick time (restricted use for illness or caring for an ill family member). PTO is designed to allow you to use your entire accrual for the purpose you choose (personal time, leisure, or for illness or caring for an ill family member). Combining your accrued time off into a single PTO bank might have a lower total than the current vacation + sick time, but it will increase the number of hours you have available for your flexible use, without the restrictions included with sick time.
Also, to ensure that all existing employees retain current sick and vacation accrual banks, you will be able to use these prior balances moving forward, in addition to the new accrued PTO. In September, your sick and vacation time balances will be converted to a Prior Sick Leave Bank and a Prior Vacation Leave Bank, which will be available for your use and will never expire. Further, your Prior Vacation Leave Bank will be available for payout upon separation, as it is today.
How does Your Time Away affect leave taken under FMLA or State Parental Leave?
Your Time Away will coordinate with the provisions of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and State Parental Leave and will not affect the criteria for taking this type of leave. Employees’ paid leave will continue to run concurrently with FMLA and State Parental Leave.
What happens to an employee’s PTO accrual rate if they achieve another year of UTSW/state service?
Employees earn an additional 4 hours of PTO per year of service. The accrual rate is based on total state service as calculated by the Office of Human Resources. The accrual rate will increase annually on the first pay period following the employee’s anniversary date until they reach 20 years of service.
Will there be a maximum PTO balance?
Yes. The new PTO maximum balance cap equals 135% of the employee’s annual accrual rate. For example, the max cap for an employee who accrues 200 hours of PTO per year is 270 hours (200x135%). See PTO accrual table. Employees stop accruing once the cap is reached.
What happens to the PTO hours above an employees’ maximum cap limit?
Once an employee reaches the maximum cap limit (at any point in the year), they will stop accruing PTO until their PTO balance falls below the maximum cap limit.
Do Prior Vacation Leave Bank hours count against the PTO max cap?
Will employees receive their full PTO allotment (up to their cap) in September?
No. All non-exempt (hourly) employees and exempt (salary) employees who are paid bi-weekly will receive their new PTO grants every two weeks. All exempt (salary) employees who are paid monthly will receive their new PTO grants every month. See FY25 PTO accrual dates table.
Can an employee request to use their Prior Sick Leave Bank and/or Prior Vacation Leave Bank instead of using PTO?
No. Due to the plan structure, Floating Holiday and PTO hours will be used first. PTO has a max accrual cap, and when employees reach this cap, they will stop accruing PTO. Once the employee uses PTO hours and falls below the max accrual cap, they will resume earning PTO. Therefore, we will use PTO prior to Prior Sick Leave Bank and/or Prior Vacation Leave Bank to help employees stay below the PTO max accrual cap.
Where can employees view their PTO balances?
Employees may view their PTO balances in myTime after Sept. 1, 2024.
Is there a minimum amount of PTO hours employees must use at one time?
PTO can be taken in 15-minute increments.
What happens if an employee has submitted a time-off request for vacation leave occurring over the transition period?
Time-off requests submitted through myTime before Sept. 1, 2024, for scheduled vacation/sick day(s) will automatically be changed to the appropriate leave code, and no further action will be required by the employee.
What happens to an employee’s accrual rate if they move from part time to full time or full time to part time?
Employees who move from a part-time to a full-time PTO-eligible position will begin receiving the PTO accrual rate proportionate to their FTE (full-time equivalent) on the first day of the pay period following the change. Employees who move from a full-time to part-time PTO-eligible position will receive in the PTO accrual rate based on their new FTE status beginning the first day of the pay period following the change.
What happens to an employee’s PTO accrual if they move from a PTO-eligible position to a non-PTO-eligible position?
The available PTO balance of an employee who transfers from a PTO-accruing position to a position that does not accrue PTO (e.g., per diem/PRN) is frozen at the time of the transfer, and the PTO balance is not available for use until the employee returns to a PTO-eligible status. Employee are entitled to separation pay of unused vacation balances, if applicable
What happens to an employee’s PTO accrual if they move from a non-PTO-eligible position to a PTO-eligible position?
An employee who moves from a non-PTO-eligible position to a PTO-eligible position will begin accruing PTO on the first day of the pay period following the status change.
Previously frozen PTO balances will become available once the employee returns to a PTO-eligible position.
Do employees accrue PTO when they are on leave without pay?
No. Employees who are on leave without pay on the first day of the pay period and do not return to paid status during the pay period do not accrue PTO hours for that pay period.
What happens to the PTO balance and Prior Vacation Leave Bank of an employee transferring to another state agency?
PTO and Prior Vacation Leave Banks will be paid out at separation by UTSW according to UTSW policy.
Is there a waiting period before new employees can use PTO?
No. Employees can use their PTO as accrued.
How will timekeeping be managed when an employee who has Prior Sick Leave Bank hours runs out of PTO?
Employees must use all their PTO accruals before using their Prior Sick Leave Bank. The use of Prior Sick Leave Bank is subject to review and approval by the employee’s manager and/or Human Resources.
How will timekeeping be managed when an employee who has Prior Vacation Leave Bank hours runs out of PTO?
Once the employee exhausts their PTO hours, additional absences will be automatically deducted from their Prior Vacation Leave Bank.
Does Your Time Away affect short-term disability insurance?
Can an employee use their Prior Sick Leave Bank to cover the elimination period for short-term disability?
Employees must use all available PTO and Prior Sick Leave Bank prior to short-term disability benefit.
Will Your Time Away impact how years of service are calculated for TRS purposes?
No. Years of service for TRS purposes will continue to be based on the number of years in TRS. For more information, review the retirement information on the TRS website.
Does the Prior Sick Leave Bank and Prior Vacation Leave Bank expire?
Will the PTO accrual rate be impacted by FTE?
Yes. The PTO accrual rate will be prorated based on FTE status. Employees who are below 0.5 FTE do not accrue PTO.
Does my prior state service count toward the 3 years of service required to receive payment for available PTO accrued but unused at separation?
No. Eligible employees starting UTSW employment on or after Sept. 1, 2024 must have at least 3 years of continuous UTSW employment to receive payment for the available PTO accrued but unused as of the date of separation.
Does the 3-year requirement for separation pay apply to employees who began working at UTSW before Sept. 1, 2024?
Does the 3-year requirement for separation pay apply to employees who began working at UTSW after Sept. 1, 2024?
Yes. Employees who separate from UTSW and then return must meet the three years of continuous UTSW employment to receive payment for the available PTO accrued but unused as of the date of separation.

How are floating holiday hours scheduled?
Floating holiday hours may be scheduled with approval of the employee’s immediate supervisor, just like PTO.
Can employees use a Floating Holiday for a religious holiday?
Yes. Employees must follow their departmental process for requesting time away from work.
What happens if an employee works on a designated or observed holiday?
Employees who are required to work on a designated or observed holiday will get holiday compensatory time to take time off another day. Employees earn holiday compensatory time on an hour-for-hour basis. However, the holiday compensatory time employees earn for work on a designated or observed holiday cannot exceed the number of holiday hours they are allotted for the holiday, which is proportional to their FTE.
What happens if an official holiday falls on an employee’s regularly scheduled day off?
Eligible employees who are not scheduled and do no work on a holiday will be granted the same number of holiday hours each year as employees who do work the official work hours of the institution, proportionate to their FTE status. The granted holiday hours will be added to the employee's floating holiday bucket, which will not expire.
How will my floating holiday accruals from before Sept. 1, 2024 transition to the new program?
Unused floating holiday time will be rolled into the Prior Vacation Leave Bank at transition to Your Time Away. Employees who separate prior to Sept. 1, 2024, will be paid their floating holiday hours in accordance with current policy.
Are floating holidays paid upon separation under Your Time Away?
What happens to an employee’s floating holidays if they move from a benefits-eligible position to a non-benefits-eligible position?
Their floating holidays are frozen until the employee returns to a benefits-eligible status or terminates employment.
How will holidays affect Health System employees who are eligible for holiday shift differential (holiday premium pay)?
The holiday shift differential (also known as holiday premium pay) will be updated to include all nine holidays.
Is holiday compensatory time paid out at separation?
Holiday compensatory time will be paid at the end of each the fiscal year. Upon separation, unused holiday compensatory hours will be paid.
What will happen to holiday compensatory/holiday banked hours accrued prior to Sept. 1, 2024?
They will be available through Aug. 31, 2025 for all employees except peace officers, who may access theirs through Jan. 31, 2026.
Do Floating Holiday hours count against the PTO max cap?
Paid Parental Benefit

Who is eligible for Paid Parental Benefit?
Employees who have 3 months of continuous UTSW service immediately prior to using Paid Parental Benefit and experience one of the following Qualifying Events are eligible for Paid Parental Benefit:
- Birth of a child (including birth of a child via surrogacy)
- Placement of a minor child with the employee for adoption or foster care
Does Paid Parental Benefit run concurrently with State Parental Leave and FMLA?
Do I have to use my PTO or Prior Vacation Bank or Prior Sick Leave Bank before I am eligible for Paid Parental Benefit?
Yes. Prior to accessing the Paid Parental Benefit, an eligible employee’s time away from work for a Qualifying Event will be deducted from program accruals as follows:
- Prior Sick Leave Bank balances (up to 480 hours); and
- 1 week or 40 hours of floating holiday time, PTO, or Prior Vacation Leave Bank, or unpaid time.
How is the Paid Parental Benefit 50% pay calculated?
- Eligible nonexempt employees may receive a maximum of 6 workweeks of PPB at 50% of their base pay rate.
- Eligible exempt employees may receive a maximum of 6 work weeks of PPB at 50% of their base salary.
- Eligible faculty members may receive a maximum of 6 work weeks of PPB at 50% of their total salary
Are part-time employees eligible for Paid Parental Benefit?
Employees with an FTE status of 0.5 or greater are eligible for Paid Parental Benefit proportionate to their FTE.
What happens if an employee does not have 40 hours of floating holiday, PTO, or Prior Vacation Leave Bank accruals?
Their pay will be reduced for time not available in accrual balances. Deductions not covered during this time will go into arrears and will be deducted from the employee’s next available check.
Does being paid at 50% affect benefits covered by UTSW (e.g., insurance premiums)?
No. All deductions will continue from the employee’s check.
Can an employee use available PTO or their Prior Vacation Leave Bank to make up the difference to get 100% pay?
In September, when we transition to the new program, if an employee had a Paid Parental Benefit (PPB) qualifying event, are they eligible for the PPB?
If an employee has already returned from leave for a PPB eligible qualifying event prior to Sept. 1, 2024, they are not eligible for PPB for this specific event. They may apply for PPB for any future qualifying events.
If an employee is on an approved leave on Sept. 1, 2024, for a PPB-eligible qualifying event, they may apply for PPB for the remaining approved leave hours occurring after Sept. 1, 2024.
Medical Hardship Leave Pool

How can an employee contribute to the Medical Hardship Leave Pool?
Using the form available from Leave Administration.
How does an employee apply to receive leave from the Medical Hardship Leave Pool?
Using the form available from Leave Administration.
Does the employee need to be on approved FMLA leave to qualify for Medical Hardship Leave Pool?
Can employees donate Prior Sick Leave Bank to the Medical Hardship Leave Pool?
No. Employees may donate only PTO or Prior Vacation Leave Bank hours to the Medical Hardship Leave Pool.
Can employees donate hours of leave to a specific employee?
No. The employee-to-employee donation program will be discontinued with the start of Your Time Away and the establishment of the Medical Hardship Leave Pool.
Can employees continue to donate their unused Prior Sick Leave Bank to the Catastrophic Leave Pool at time of separation?
No. The Catastrophic Leave Pool will be discontinued with the start of Your Time Away and the establishment of the Medical Hardship Leave Pool.
What happens to the Catastrophic Leave Pool hours already awarded to an employee?
Awarded hours will remain in the employee’s bank and will be available for use as Prior Sick Leave Bank hours.
Do you have to donate to the Medical Hardship Leave Pool to request to receive leave from the pool?
Is the Medical Hardship Leave Pool available to part-time employees?
Yes, as long as they hold a position of at least 0.5 FTE and are not a temporary or PRN employee.
Separation of Service

Are accrued PTO hours paid upon separation or retirement from UTSW?
Yes. Eligible employees who were employed by UTSW before Sept. 1, 2024 who separate from UTSW for any reason (including retirement) will receive payment for accrued but unused PTO and Prior Vacation Leave Bank up to the maximum PTO and Prior Vacation Leave Bank accrual payout based on years of service.
Eligible employees starting UTSW employment on or before Sept. 1, 2024, who have at least 3 years of continuous UTSW employment and who separate from UTSW for any reason (including retirement) will receive payment for the available PTO accrued but unused as of the date of separation.
Can a separating employee defer their unused PTO hours to a retirement account?
Yes. Employees have the option to defer any portion of their unused PTO hours up to the cap (within IRS limits) to a 403(b) tax-sheltered annuity and/or 457(b) deferred-compensation account. To defer unused PTO hours, employees must have an account established with an approved provider prior to separation. See the Deferring Annual Leave website for more details.
Can employees use their PTO toward eligibility to purchase or receive Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS) service credit?
Yes. However, there is a misconception about this TRS benefit. Although 400 hours of accumulated state sick and/or personal leave time (can include the new PTO accrual time) is one of the eligibility requirements to purchase service credit, it does not equate to service credit. The cost to purchase a year of service varies based on the employee. We recommend that any interested employee contact TRS directly or use the calculator located on the TRS website to see an estimate of their cost to purchase service credit.
Can an employee donate PTO to others?
No. However, employees may contribute to the Medical Hardship Leave Pool.
Questions? We are here to help! | 214-648-9810
In person:
Human Resources Service Center
Pickens Medical Education & Conference Center (NG)
6001 Forest Park Rd., Suite NG3.111
Weekdays, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.