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U2OS expressing lifeact
U2OS expressing lifeact
Live U2OS cells expressing mNeonGreen-Lifeact labeled F-actin. Comparison of TIR-FM and TIR-FM with SIM (structured illumination). GE OMX SR, TIRF and TIRF-SIM; 60x/1.42NA; Credit: Runwen Yao.
Mouse kidney
Mouse kidney - Overview
Mouse kidney section with WGA-Alexa488, Phalloidin-Alexa561 and DAPI, Zeiss LSM980 Airyscan2; Plan-Apochromat 20x/0.8NA; 342 stitched tiles - strongly downscaled resolution Credit Marcel Mettlen.
Murine Femur Section
Murine Femur Section
Femur of a young adult mouse injected with EdU. Frozen bone section was stained with a Click-it EdU 488 imaging kit and anti-Aggrecan antibody (visualized with CF555). Section was mounted with ProLong Gold antifade in DAPI buffer and imaged on a Nikon CSU-W1 spinning disk confocal. Cropped and down-sampled view from a larger 15x5 stitched image. Objective: 20x/0.75NA. Credit Jingzhu Zhang
Mouse nodose ganglion
Mouse nodose ganglion
Fixed mouse nodose ganglion labeled with multiplex RNAscope for Phox2b (Opal 570), Cck1r (Opal 520) and DAPI (blue). Zeiss LSM880 AiryScan, 63x/1.4NA. PMID: 34605820; Credit Laurent Gautron
Cos-7 cells
Cos-7 cells
Cos-7 cells labelled for clathrin light chain (Alexa488), AP2 (Alexa561), Dapi, and actin (phalloidin-Alexa640); Nikon TI widefield, 100x/1.45NA. Credit: Marcel Mettlen
Photoconversion of PSmOrange
Photoconversion of PSmOrange
U2OS were transfected with DNA coding for H2B-PSmOrange. Cells were then imaged using a Nikon CSU-W1 with FRAP module. PSmOrange was converted by 488nm light from red to far-red (using a binarized Mona Lisa as ROI). Objective: 100x; 1.45NA; Credits: Marcel Mettlen (imaging) and Etai Sapoznik (Fiolka lab, UTSW) for kindly providing these cells.
Object-based colocalization
Object-based colocalization
Object-based colocalization with Imaris; ARPE cells expressing eGFP-clathrin light chain, mRuby3-AP2 and stained with Dapi and phalloidin-Alexa647. Single wide-field image was used for projection and detection of objects. Blue: volume-rendered nucleus and clathrin structures within a distance of 2 µm. Small gray spheres: non-colocalizing clathrin spots. Red/green: clathrin colocalizing with AP2. Credit: Marcel Mettlen
Kidney section
Bovine blastoids assembled by trophoblast stem cells and expanded potential stem cells. Stained for epiblast marker SOX2, hypoblast marker SOX17 and trophectoderm marker (CDX2). Acquired on a Nikon CSU-W1 spinning-disk super resolution by optical pixel reassignment (SoRa) confocal microscope. 60x/1.4NA; Credit Carlos A. Pinzón Arteaga
DNA paint
These images showcase super-resolution imaging via DNA origami of various patterns. Comparison between TIR-FM and DNA-PAINT imaging techniques using the GE OMX SR microscope. 60x/1.49NA TIRF objective. Credit: Runwen Yao.
Mouse heart section
Mouse heart section
Mouse heart section labeled with Actinin 2(Alexa488), actin (Rhodamin Phalloidin), and mounted with ProLong Gold antifade. Tissue was imaged with Nikon CSU-W1 spinning disk and SoRa super-resolution module. 2.8 x 100x/1.45NA objective. Credit Eunyong Lee and Marcel Mettlen.
Normal vs. SoRa comparison
Normal - vs. SoRa super-resolution
Campylobacter jejuni stained with FM464. Sample was imaged with Nikon CSU-W1 spinning disk and SoRa super-resolution module. (2.8 x) 100x/1.45NA objective. Sample prepared by Angela Freeman and imaged by Marcel Mettlen..