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Dilution of Genomic DNA

After dropping off a sample of blood for genomic DNA isolation, investigators have the option of requesting quantification of the DNA stock, dilution to a working solution, and transfer of the DNA to the other McDermott genomic cores for SNP genotyping, Sanger sequencing, or next generation sequencing. All of these ancillary services are available as fee-per-services.

Genomic DNA quantification – $5/sample

Genomic DNA purified by the Gentra Autopure machine is generally high-molecular-weight archive-quality DNA. Because of this, the final solution is usually very viscous. We wait 1–2 days after the DNA is dissolved in the hydration solution before quantifying the DNA sample to ensure homogeneous distribution. We use a Thermo Scientific NanoDropTM 1000 Spectrophotometer to measure the concentration and purity of the genomic DNA solution.

Genomic DNA dilution – $5/sample

Downstream applications such as genotyping and sequencing generally require DNA concentrations at 50–100 ng/microliter. The HGCL will prepare 100 microliters at 100 ng/microliter of each genomic DNA sample. Please inform the staff if a different volume or concentration is required.

Transfer of genomic DNA to another core – $5/sample

The HGCL will coordinate with the other McDermott Center core labs (genotyping, sequencing) to drop off and order additional genomic DNA services. Please follow the links to the other core labs for additional details.