Women in Neurology (WIN)

WIN members play a pivotal role in every neurology subspecialty, earning national and international recognition for their patient care, education, and academic contributions. By establishing subspecialty clinics, they have focused on reducing disparities in healthcare and offering innovative approaches to rare diseases. Through federally funded research programs, WIN faculty have a long history of translating scientific discoveries into clinical care.
The primary mission of Women in Neurology is to promote, support, and advocate for the advancement of women in neurology at UT Southwestern by:
- Enhancing the visibility and recognition of women’s contributions to the field of neurology
- Creating a collegial and supportive environment through promoting initiatives that support faculty career advancement
- Providing inspiration and career guidance to future generations of neurologists
Women in Neurology Lecture Series
The Women in Neurology Lecture Series features esteemed leaders who have significantly contributed to neurology and their communities. Invited speakers present their work during Grand Rounds, and share insights on career paths, challenges, and more during meaningful one-on-one or group discussions.
In the Spotlight

Dr. Jones' research is focused on disparities in stroke outcomes, post-stroke care, and the impact of social determinants of health on stroke care and stroke recovery. She holds KL2 funding for her work on disparities in anticoagulation utilization for stroke prevention. Additionally, she leads a study of disparities in imaging biomarkers of vascular brain health. She is a member of the CONNECT (Collaboration to Improve Outcomes, PreveNtive care, and Care Transitions after Stroke) Research Consortium group, partnering with stroke outcomes researchers across the country to improve stroke care.