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In-Person Facilitated Training

At UT Southwestern, we believe education and awareness are instrumental in developing a culture of community, respect, and unity.

Effective training and education solutions are the center point of the ongoing commitment to keep the University free of discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and to promote open communication in a positive environment.

Supplemental training may also be recommended on a case-by-case basis if it is determined by the Office for Access & Title IX that such training would be beneficial in preventing or resolving disputes. Additionally, training can be customized and delivered specifically to departmental needs.

Please review our list of available trainings below and email the respective team if your department would like to schedule a session.


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Equal Opportunity

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  • OATIX Overview

    This training discusses the role of the Office for Access & Title IX in creating an inclusive workplace, provides information about the institutional policies that the Office oversees, and offers examples of discrimination, bias, harassment, and retaliation.

  • Discrimination and Harassment Prevention

    This training defines all forms of impermissible discrimination prohibited by the University and our institutional and individual responsibilities under UT Southwestern policy, as well as federal and state law. Its objective is to help individuals identify, report, respond to, and avoid/prevent discriminatory conduct. The content of the training can be customized for all members of the UT Southwestern community, regardless of department or a person’s work responsibilities.

  • Discrimination in a Health Care Setting: Patient Preferences

    Health care settings are not free of bias or discrimination. Some patients engage in conduct or use offensive language concerning a health care staff member’s racial identity, national origin, religion, sex/gender, disability, sexual orientation, and gender expression/identity, and some patients even request reassignment of involved health care staff. This training offers guidance to managers and supervisors on respecting patients’ rights to treatment while supporting staff members who experience or witness incidents of patient bias. 

  • Accommodating People with Disabilities

    UT Southwestern provides reasonable accommodations to qualified employees and job applicants with a disability. This training includes a general overview of federal disability laws and UT Southwestern policies related to disability access, along with the rights and responsibilities of staff to ensure equal employment opportunity and full participation for people with disabilities. It covers the following topics: 

    • The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and UT Southwestern’s process for determining a “reasonable accommodation” 
    • The importance of engaging in the “interactive process” with the OATIX
    • The circumstances under which job accommodations are appropriate and what accommodations would be considered “reasonable” 
    • Documentation and confidentiality 


  • Faith and Religion in the Workplace

    As an institution, UT Southwestern employs individuals of differing religious beliefs and religious practices and provides appropriate reasonable accommodations for the sincerely held religious beliefs of employees. This training discusses acceptable forms of religious expression in the workplace and the types of religious accommodations that can be provided to employees who wish to practice their religious faith during the workday.

Title IX

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  • Eliminating Campus Sexual Violence

    A course for UT Southwestern employees and students. 

  • Bridges: Building a Supportive Community

    Interactive training program for faculty and staff that includes scenarios and examples you may face around sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and sexual harassment. This program will provide you and your colleagues with important skills and resources to help foster a safe, inclusive, and healthy campus environment. Title IX, Clery Act, and harassment prevention training to promote safe work environments. This package includes tracks for supervisors and non-supervisors, and optional Title IX and Clery Act  training.

  • Building Supportive Communities: Taking Action

    Interactive training refresher for faculty and staff. Concentrating learner engagement around the practical application of content from the original Bridges course, this course seeks to codify prescriptive behaviors related to recognizing, responding to, and reporting sexual misconduct. This refresher will equip you and your colleagues about important skills and resources to help foster a safe, inclusive, and healthy campus environment. 

  • Sexual Assault Prevention for Graduate students

    Title IX and Clery Act training to support graduate students interactions with advisors, faculty members, peers, and undergraduate students (including responding to disclosures). 

  • Sexual Assault Prevention Ongoing: Healthy Relationships

    This training emphasizes healthy relationship skills and survivor empathy. 

Employment Equity

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