Nephrology Overview
Our Mission

In the Division of Nephrology, we are deeply committed to deliver unsurpassed care to our patients, promote kidney awareness in our communities, train the next generation of leaders in the field, and conduct cutting edge research that can transform our field.
Our faculty includes internationally renowned clinicians and investigators. Our trainees come from around the nation. Our alums have achieved success at the highest levels of medicine. We strive to realize a future of kidney health.
Outstanding Patient Care

Parkland Hospital is one the nation’s leading safety net institutions, and nephrology is one of its busiest services, where we have more than 30,000 patient encounters yearly. We also proudly serve veterans at the North Texas VA Medical Center, one of the nation’s largest. And we provide quarternary referral care at Clements University Hospital, where we see patients from around the nation who have complex renal disease. Specialists focus on glomerulonephritis and vasculitis, bone-mineral and stone disease, and genetic disorders including polycystic kidney disease. We have developed a highly successful kidney transplant program that delivers exceptional patient outcomes. Explore our patient services.
Impact Through Research

We study the full breadth of kidney biology: Development, genetics, metabolism, bone-mineral abnormalities, acute and chronic kidney disease, and polycystic kidney disease. Our clinical research is equally comprehensive, as we apply informatics to large populations, conduct pragmatic clinical trials, contribute to national and international consortia, and develop biorepositories to address a range of conditions such as inherited renal disease, acute kidney injury, and hypertension. Come see how we can make a difference.
Educating Future Leaders

On our South Campus stands a bronze depiction of UT Southwestern’s first nephrologist, Dr. Donald Seldin, a foundational figure in the history of this institution and in the field of nephrology itself. A nephron displayed over his right shoulder connotes our unbending commitment to the educational mission of UT Southwestern. Our faculty are annually recognized for their distinguished teaching contributions. In addition to diverse clinical services that expose fellows to both “bread-and-butter” and the medical “zebras,” our trainees benefit from a comprehensive curriculum that includes innovative pedagogy techniques. Research trainees are supported by a T32 Award from the NIH. Graduates of the general fellowship and the transplant fellowship excel in their chosen area.