2016 Article Archive

Dr. Chloe Rushing: American Academy of Neurology Medical Student Prize for Excellence in Neurology


In recognition of her work and enthusiasm for the field, Dr. Rushing has been selected as the 2016 recipient of the American Academy of Neurology Medical Student Prize for Excellence in Neurology.

Dr. Cameron Locke: Hemphill-Gojer Award in Internal Medicine


Dr. Locke is a 2016 recipient of the Hemphill-Gojer Award, given each year to the top medical student in internal medicine.

Dr. Austin Hembd: Rohrich Family Excellence in Plastic Surgery Award


Dr. Hembd said Dr. Shai Rozen, Director of the Facial Palsy Program, has been a key mentor for him, guiding him in procedures and eventually in facial reanimation research.

Candidates for Degrees:
UT Southwestern Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences


UT Southwestern Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Candidates for Degrees.

Cancer care: Consider cancer risk when grilling


Cooking meat, including beef, pork, fish, or poultry, with high-temperature methods such as pan frying or grilling directly over an open flame can increase exposure to chemicals that can cause changes in DNA that may increase the risk of cancer.

Nutrition tips: Controlling calories during grill season picnics


As grilling season fires up, UT Southwestern Medical Center nutritionists have cooked up a few tips to keep calorie counts in control.

Nutrition tips: Nutritional trade-offs for grilling season feasts


There are plenty of options for cutting calories as well as substitutes for some of the higher-calorie options.

Safety tips: Avoid burns, scalding when grilling


Grilling can provide some tasty dishes, but it also can cause unexpected burns, scalding, and fires. To help avoid unintended consequences, UT Southwestern Medical Center physicians urge caution for those who are grilling as well as socializing.

Safety tips: Keep food safe this season


With warmer temperatures and backyard grills resuming their place in the sun, UT Southwestern Medical Center toxicologists say a few cautionary steps can help you and guests avoid food poisoning.

UTSW joins international, multicenter study examining effectiveness of different stroke treatments


UT Southwestern Medical Center has joined an international consortium of leading universities to study the effectiveness of various stroke treatments from the patient’s perspective.