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2016 Publications

  1. Chen B, Trang V, Lee A, Williams NS, Wilson AN, Epstein EH Jr, Tang JY, Kim J. Posaconazole, a second-generation triazole antifungal drug, inhibits the Hedgehog signaling pathway and progression of basal cell carcinoma. Mol Cancer Ther. 2016 May;15(5):866-76. PMCID: PMC4873341.
  2. Theodoropoulos PC, Gonzales SS, Winterton SE, Rodriguez-Navas C, McKnight JS, Morlock LK, Hanson JM, Cross B, Owen AE, Duan Y, Moreno JR, Lemoff A, Mirzaei H, Posner BA, Williams NS, Ready JM, Nijhawan D. Discovery of tumor-specific irreversible inhibitors of stearoyl CoA desaturase. Nat Chem Biol. 2016 Apr;12(4):218-25. PMCID: PMC4798879.
  3. Sun H, Olson KC, Gao C, Prosdocimo DA, Zhou M, Wang Z, Jeyaraj D, Youn JY, Ren S, Liu Y, Rau CD, Shah S, Ilkayeva O, Gui WJ, Williams NS, Wynn RM, Newgard CB, Cai H, Xiao X, Chuang DT, Schulze PC, Lynch C, Jain MK, Wang Y. Catabolic Defect of Branched-Chain Amino Acids Promotes Heart Failure. Circulation. 2016 May 24;133(21):2038-49. PMCID: PMC4879058.
  4. Zhang L, Theodoropoulos PC, Eskiocak U, Wang W, Moon YA, Posner B, Williams NS, Wright WE, Kim SB, Nijhawan D, De Brabander JK, Shay JW. Selective targeting of mutant adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) in colorectal cancer. Sci Transl Med. 2016 Oct 19;8(361). PubMed PMID: 27798265.
  5. Huang X, Motea EA, Moore ZR, Yao J, Dong Y, Chakrabarti G, Kilgore JA, Silvers MA, Patidar PL, Cholka A, Fattah F, Cha Y, Anderson GG, Kusko R, Peyton M, Yan J, Xie XJ, Sarode V, Williams NS, Minna JD, Beg M, Gerber DE, Bey EA, Boothman DA. Leveraging an NQO1 Bioactivatable Drug for Tumor-Selective Use of Poly(ADP-ribose) Polymerase Inhibitors. Cancer Cell. 2016 Dec 12;30(6):940-952. PMCID: PMC5161231.
  6. You L, Zhang C, Yarravarapu N, Morlock L, Wang X, Zhang L, Williams NS, Lum L, Chen C. Development of a triazole class of highly potent Porcn inhibitors. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2016 Dec 15;26(24):5891-5895. PMCID: PMC5142825.