Are you ready for retirement? Consider these financial wellness webinars

You've been working your whole life for this; let's make sure you are ready. There are many key factors to consider leading up to your official retirement date. These webinars, sponsored by the Benefits and Wellness Department, will cover those factors and give you an opportunity to ask your questions to financial planning professionals.

Is TRS Enough? (Voya Financial)

Nov. 2, 11 a.m.

Do you know what you will receive from TRS/ORP, Social Security, and your UT Retirement Savings? Now is a good time to find out what part of your future income will come from each source and how they all work together. Before embarking on your retirement journey, be sure you understand how your income sources work together and what roadblocks may lay in your path. In addition, plan your retirement roadmap for the journey ahead.

Understanding Your TRS Retirement Options and the Process (Voya Financial)

Nov. 4, 1 p.m.

The decisions you make today can have a significant impact on your retirement. Learn when and how to apply for your TRS retirement. You must consider a number of steps and all of your options. Your decisions at retirement impact your retirement income for life so understanding your options before you retire is imperative. Join us as we provide extra detail on what you need to consider and the steps you need to take for a successful retirement.

Plan to Live to 100! (AIG Retirement Services)

Nov. 8, 10 p.m. (late night session)

Do you think you might live into your 90s or even 100 years old? Start planning today to live longer and ensure you do not run out of money in retirement. You will learn the perfect strategy!

Healthcare in Retirement (Voya Financial)

Nov. 9, 1 p.m.

Rising health care costs continue to be one of the most dominant issues of our time. Planning for health care expenses in retirement is essential with today’s longer lifespans and gaps in Medicare and insurance coverage. This seminar will discuss how employees eligible for UT retiree health coverage benefit from the coverage coordinated with Medicare to help pay for future healthcare expenses. Additionally, we will walk through the value of a holistic retirement plan that factors in health care needs.

Turbo-charge Your Retirement with the UTSW Catch Up Provision (AIG Retirement Services)

Nov. 10, 11 a.m.

Are you looking to significantly enhance your retirement accounts towards the end of your career?  This webinar will show you 2 powerful features available to UTSW employees that can quickly increase the dollar amounts in your retirement.

Turning Your Retirement Accounts into Income (Voya Financial)

Nov. 11, noon

You have saved in your 403b, 457, or ORP account; how will you use those accounts to fund your retirement? We all know about investment risks, but as you head into retirement, there are other risks you need to address. Learn how to plan for these risks, including how many years your retirement income will have to last, the effects of inflation on the purchasing power of your income, market ups and downs and when those ups and downs happen, and finally, taking smart withdrawals from retirement savings so you don’t run out of money when you need it the most. Also discover how your retirement accounts will impact your tax strategy including whether or not you want to defer your unused vacation time.

A Million Reasons to Get Started with the UTSW Voluntary Savings Plans

Nov. 16, 11 a.m.

Do you worry that TRS and Social Security may not be enough? Here’s an opportunity to learn how the UTSW Voluntary Plans can bridge the gap and help you achieve your optimum retirement goals.

Implementing your Social Security Strategy (Voya Financial)

Nov. 17, 10 a.m.

If you are looking at taking Social Security in the near future -- whether it’s in the coming months or in a couple of years -- we want, you to understand how to maximize this benefit. With Social Security, it really pays to know. Because when and how you take your Social Security benefit can be one of the most important financial decisions you’ll make during your lifetime, so it’s critical to get it right.

Five Principles to Prioritize Before Retiring at UTSW (AIG Retirement Services)

Nov. 18, 11 a.m.

Learn how to prioritize five important strategies during the accumulation stage to ensure a healthy and sound retirement.