The writing is on the wall



  1. An opinion or recommendation offered as a guide to action, conduct, etc.
  2. A communication, especially from a distance, containing information

Whether it is solicited or unsolicited, advice can be a pretty powerful thing. It can inspire us and aid us, it can remind us and compel us. It can encourage us to look at the familiar in an unfamiliar way, invite us to think about something we had not previously considered, or introduce us to an alternate way of thinking or doing.

Regardless of whether we see it, hear it, read it or stumble across it, when it comes to the shared best practices of industry experts, proven thought leaders or highly respected and regarded business professionals, we honor ourselves when we allow the words and experiences of others to seep into our consciousness. We honor ourselves when we then reiterate our willingness to learn, grow, and develop with meaningful action.

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For some, the “writing on the wall” has a less than positive connotation. It hints that a negative outcome is easily predictable based upon a current situation. But what if we were to turn that pessimistic interpretation on itself? What if we were to prescribe to the belief that a predictable outcome is only one in which we refrain from attempting to influence or better it? What if we were to learn that with shared wisdom, applied logic and genuine openness to change, anything were possible?

Now that would be advice worth reading, wouldn’t it?