2018 Article Archive

Clinical research opportunities
Interested in taking part in a clinical research study? Here are some opportunities.

Show us your whimsical holiday garb and enter to win a prize!
If you’re like us, you’ve got at least one holiday sweater in your arsenal. Or maybe you’re more into holiday neckties – or socks, or jewelry. Whatever you’ve got, and for whatever winter holiday, we want to see you in it.

What is your UTSW Leadership Advantage?
Within the 40+ distinct Leadership Advantage topics, each of us has the ability to assess our competency, learn more about the topic(s) at hand, and dig deeper into the wealth of available resources. From “Giving and Receiving Feedback” to “Project Management” to “Work/Life Balance,” the Periodic Table of Leadership Advantage is your springboard to action.

Flags at half-staff in honor and respect of the life and public service of former President George H.W. Bush
United States and Texas state flags are lowered to half-staff for 30 days.

HIV/AIDS information available
In compliance with Texas Health and Safety Code Section 85.111, UT Southwestern provides HIV/AIDS information to employees.

UTSW 2019 Inclement Weather Policy
It is important for everyone on campus to become familiar with the UT Southwestern policy on Attendance in Emergencies or Inclement Weather.

Apply for the July 2019 Nurse Residency Cohort
Applications for the July 2019 Nurse Residency Cohort are due Dec. 18. Applicants must be registered nurses with under 12 months of experience, with a minimum of a bachelor's degree in nursing.

Not sure who to call for an administrative service question or issue at UTSW? Dial 5-HELP or 5-0000
UT Southwestern’s Office of Business Affairs has made it easier for faculty, staff, students, and customers to reach the right administrative services quickly by calling either of these two easy-to-remember extensions: 5-HELP or 5-0000 (or phone numbers: 214-645-HELP or 214-645-0000 from outside of UT Southwestern’s telephone network).

Section of UT Southwestern Drive temporarily closed
A section of UT Southwestern Drive, on South Campus, will be closed to vehicle traffic in both directions, starting Monday, Dec. 10. The section will be between Laboratory Research and Support (JA) building and the Facilities Management (P) building.