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Kendra Taylor: 25 years

Kendra Taylor

Diagnostic Scheduling Supervisor
Patient Financial Services

First UTSW job: File Clerk.

Best part about my job: My love for employee training and professional development would be considered one of my strongest attributes. My desire for training is driven by the team’s eagerness to learn and their adaptability to the various workflows encountered within the Radiology divisions.

What energizes me at work: My continued excitement about new projects and change management.

How co-workers describe me: Selfless, and always concerned about the well-being of others, which brings joy to my heart.

Recipe for success: My willingness to learn and help others.

I’m really good at: Brainstorming and problem-solving.

I wish I were an instant expert at: Public speaking. I’d love to share my story with others to help encourage them to achieve great things.

Hobby: Traveling, especially taking cruises.

Surprising fact: I love to cook.

Final note: I’ve had the pleasure of meeting so many great people here at UT Southwestern who have helped me grow within our organization, and I’m so thankful for the opportunity. Now, I’m able to share this knowledge with my current staff.

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