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Physicians at last – Commencement 2024

Medical School Commencement primary
UT Southwestern Medical School graduates raise their diplomas to celebrate earning their degrees on May 8, 2024. Rejoicing at the Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center (from left) are Brianna Alvarado, M.D., Chieh-An “Vivian” Chen, M.D., Maishara Muquith, M.D., Kim Le, M.D., Annie He, M.D., Aaron Hurd, M.D., Connor Eichenwald, M.D., Feroz James, M.D., and Armon Amini, M.D.

On May 8, proud families, friends, and mentors gathered at the Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center to celebrate the graduation of 228 UT Southwestern Medical School students. The atmosphere was filled with a mix of emotions – joy, pride, and nostalgia.

The graduates faced a unique journey through medical school, having started their studies during a pandemic. Despite challenges, they persevered and have now become physicians. Of those students who matched to residencies as part of the annual Match Day event in March, 53 will continue their training at UTSW, 93 will stay in Texas, and the rest will go to other top institutions across the country.

See the full residency match list and profiles of student award recipients. Also, enjoy highlights from the commencement ceremony captured in photos below.

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