Welcome to GUSSI 2.1.6 TERMS By acquiring and using a copy of GUSSI, you are agreeing to the copyright and notices listed at the end of this file. INSTALLATION You can unzip the downloaded .zip file to any directory on your disk. In this directory, you will find another directory called "GUSSI". There will be many, many items in this directory. First and foremost, the executable, "GUSSI.exe", will be present. Of note, in the "Doc" subdirectory, there will be: (1) This README.txt file. (2) The documentation (GUSSI.pdf). (3) The general tutorial (GUSSIGeneralTutorial.pdf) (4) The Isotherm Maker tutorial (GUSSIIsothermMaker_210.pdf) (5) The SE Data Sorter tutorial (GUSSIEqDataSorterTut.pdf) (6) The "What's New in 1.0.8" file (GUSSI108WhatsNew.pdf) (7) The "What's New in 1.0.9d" file (GUSSI109dWhatsNew.pdf) (8) The "What's New in 1.1.0" file (GUSSI110WhatsNew.pdf). (9) The "What's New in 1.2.1" file (GUSSI121WhatsNew.pdf). (10) The "What's New in 1.3.0" file (GUSSI130WhatsNew.pdf). (11) A tutorial on how to use the membrane-protein calcs (MembraneProteinCalcs.pdf) (12) A tutorial for glycoprotein calculations (GlycoproteinCalcs.pdf) (13) A tutorial on the use of the extinction-coefficient calculator (ECC_2.1.pdf) (14) A tutorial on the new method of integration in GUSSI (IntegratingInGUSSI2.1.0.pdf) There will also be two directories called "Fast" and "Slow" that contain example data for the Isotherm Maker. For maximum compatibility with current versions of SEDFIT and SEDPHAT, you must place the "GUSSI" directory under the directory that houses SEDFIT and SEDPHAT. For example, if SEDFIT and SEDPHAT reside in C:\sedfit, you should place the GUSSI folder in C:\sedfit such that it becomes C:\sedfit\GUSSI. Under no circumstances should you take the executable out of this folder. Users who are upgrading from an older version of GUSSI should rename the old folder, put it in a safe place, then place the new folder such that it is C:\sedfit\GUSSI. Although every effort is made to keep new versions of GUSSI backward-compatible with old ones, this action ensures you will always have access to old .gussi files. BUGS Please report any bugs to chad.brautigam@utsouthwestern.edu. It would be helpful if you can (1) describe the steps you took that caused the failure and (2) reliably reproduce the failure. COPYRIGHT AND NOTICES a. Copyright (c) 2011-2024 The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. All rights reserved. b. IN NO EVENT SHALL UT SOUTHWESTERN BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING LOST PROFITS, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF UT SOUTHWESTERN HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. UT SOUTHWESTERN SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE AND ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTATION, IF ANY, PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS PROVIDED "AS IS". UT SOUTHWESTERN HAS NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. c. This software contains copyrighted materials from NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, lxml, PIL, images2gif, and python-pptx. Corresponding terms and conditions apply. See documentation (GUSSI.pdf) for licensing notices from those packages.